A Specific Need

Sewing Center

UPDATE ON MARCH 15, 2018: Our match has been met and we have sponsored 1 serger and 2 industrial sewing machines!  Thank you to everyone who supported this one time gift, and met this immediate need.  We are now going for a 2nd serger if someone still feels compelled to give.  It will be used for great things!


When I was 18, I was given a sewing machine. Well, what really happened is I took my mom's sewing machine to college with me, so she replaced it.  Either way, it was a part of my story and it's going to be a part of this story too. 

 Last year, a sewing center began in the Philippines.  It is an extension of a safe house for women and children, and provides dignified work for 5 of the women.   It began as a screen printing business, but they have learned to sew which is both exciting and empowering!     

 They have a two home sewing machines, but their serger broke and is beyond repair.  The industrial serger they need is $450.  

 I am looking for a few people who want to share in the joy of providing this tool and seeing a group of women blossom in their new skills. Fair+Simple will match your gift.  

Will you consider contributing to this narrative?

To sponsor this specific need, click the link in the sentence above. 
You will receive a video clip within two short weeks of the women using their new machine!  If more is given then it will be put toward two industrial sewing machines ($140).
Gifts over $100 will also receive some of the products they are making for the F+S: Collection.  


Here is a photo of the overlock stitch that a serger does.  It prevents fabric from fraying.
Serger Stitch
Linen Apron
Bento Bags


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